TMJD massage is a type of massage that concentrates on the muscles of the head and neck to relieve pain associated with Temporomandibular disorders. Many people also suffer from Bruxism, or clenching/grinding their teeth, particularly while sleeping or participating in very focused activities at work. Temporomandibular disorders can cause a great deal of discomfort, headaches, and jaw pain, if left untreated.
Massage therapy for Temporomandibular disorders focus on the muscles of the head, neck, jaws, and also by working intraorally (inside the mouth). Intraoral massage (inside the mouth) is performed with surgical non-latex gloves, and provides relief to specific muscles that contribute to pain associated with this disorder. This treatment can be a stand alone 30 minute session as needed for pain relief, monthly as a preventive measure or adding into your regular full body sessions. As a retired Registered Dental Hygienist of over 20 years, I know very well how debilitating TMJD can be. My training in dentistry, TMJD massage and TMJD cupping massage can provide some amazing results.